Unit 2.3. Likes and Dislikes

 Unit 2.3. Likes and Dislikes

We talked before about how to use the verb like to talk about hobbies and activities that we enjoy, but we can use it to talk about other things that we enjoy. Similarly, we can use don't like or dislike to say that we don't enjoy something.

She doesn't like coffee


In this section we will explore some foods, activities and things in general that we enjoy or we don't enjoy. Let's get started!


Let's talk about some things that we like and don't like. Are you ready? Click here!

You can also use words like love when you really like something or hate when you really dislike something.
They love pasta


1. What is your favorite type of music? Comment on the forum, mention the music that you love or that you dislike.

2. A quick word search for learning some new vocabulary.


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