Unit 1.1. Me and My Family

 Unit 1.1.: Me and My Family:

This unit includes two very important topics: personal information and the family. For both topics we need to talk about the verb to be. Here's how to use it:

The information can be summarized like this:

The verb "to be" is super important in English! It helps us say who or what someone or something is, where they are, and how they feel. For example, "I am a student" tells us who I am, and "The cat is on the table" tells us where the cat is.

Why is it so important? Well, it's like the glue that holds English sentences together. Without it, our sentences wouldn't make much sense! Plus, it helps us talk about what's happening now, in the past, or in the future.

So, if you want to speak English well, mastering the verb "to be" is a great place to start! It'll help you express yourself clearly and understand others better. Keep practicing, and you'll get the hang of it!


Now, let's talk about the family. Click here to see some of the most important vocabulary to use. 



1. Think about your family. Who are tye? Share your answers in the comments.

2. Quick word search to find the vocabulary from the first unit. Click here! 

3. A very short quiz to test your knowledge. Click here!


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